Equitable development and access to clean energy, is not an environmental issue its a systemic one.
Life as we know it is slowly seeping away- sustainable energy is unaffordable, for low-income and people of color. If we could create equitable clean energy, we could change the game, and finally achieve the what humanity has deemed to be "impossible". With gender equality 300 years away and racial equality much longer we have to act now and realize that equity in justice is far from achieved. Sustainable equity isn't an environmental issue its a racial one, and one that unless solved both humanity and the planet will be lost.
But with legislative and executive powers working against it all- by passing oil drilling, and "environmental harm projects" like the Willow Project- and only now passing civil laws, spending billions of dollars to uplift those same companies that are destrying the economic well-being of people of color; the government attemting to cover it up with bills like the "Affordable Clean Energy Rule"- when it does nothing to aid the world, or aid the affordability of green energy.
Well now, we create change.
The "Polity Fund"
As said previously one of the biggest issues within politics is its effect on the environment and eveyone and thing around you. A bill passed could lead to one thing which could lead to another, and next thing you know the world is on fire. The Political Environments' Polity Fund is one that aims for sustainable development whether it be installing solar panels, planting a tree, or installing more useful water taps anything and everything helps. Now we are developing sustinable energy grids to make this worlds sustainable energy more accessible, for POCs, low-income and so many more that don't have access!
of homes in the U.S. have affordable energy, and only a fraction of that have affordable clean energy.
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